FOSF has become a tired Sierra Nevada carton; it held cds during the heady 90s but a number of moves revealed it lacked the tensile strength to tote 20 books. Alas it lies warped and embarassed. Likewise Marx is revealed through accordian wizardry and the hijinks of an African President. During the same week, Jacob Zuma celebrated World AIDS Day by taking a HIV test. Somehow this should be considered progress given that previosuly Mr. Zuma sought protection after raping/having sex with an infected woman by taking a shower. The same week that Zuma embraced modern medicine the World Cup slections were announced. One is left with the paltry concepts of blood and tribe, and yet, the video of the Star Wars kid only has so much appeal.

It was another snag of fate that I vewed Twilight:New Moon and Thirst on the same day. What exactly happened to vampires, or rather to our collective imnaginations that make so enviable and fascinating?
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